Is buying a property stressing you out?
Buy a property with confidence with a pre-purchase
building and pest inspection
It doesn’t get much more stressful than buying a property. It’s an expensive decision and you’ll want to make sure you get it right.
You can ease some of the stress by getting comprehensive pre-purchase building and pest inspections.
Resolve Pest Control work in partnership with Sunshine Building inspections to provide home buyers with both pest and building inspections.
By engaging two inspectors, each experts in their field, you can be confident that you’ll know everything about your potential purchase – two sets of eyes are better than one!
No need to make multiple phone calls, just give us a call and we’ll arrange both your pest and building inspections.
Home buyers know they should get a building inspection before buying and with Mike Watts from Sunshine Building Inspections you can can be confident you have one of the most knowledgeable and thorough inspectors on the Sunshine Coast.
Taking time to carry out the inspection and using the latest imaging equipment, your inspection report will detail the condition of the building and highlight any defects. For more information go to Sunshine Building Inspections.
Some home buyers can be tempted to skip the pest inspection, often in the belief that the building inspection will pick up termite problems. They certainly should pick up obvious damage and activity, but a building inspection is not designed to specifically look for pest problems.
You should always get a pest inspection done before you buy a property. The inspection will check for termites (white ants) and their damage. It will also detect any signs of borer, borer damage and wood decay.
Any indication of pest activity, damage, building construction defects and environmental conditions that might lead to future timber pest attack is useful information when making a purchase decision and negotiating a price. Read on for more information…
When investing hundreds of thousands dollars, you want to make sure you’re making the right decision.
Pre-purchase pest inspections follow Australian Standards AS 4349.3-2010. An inspection taking up to two-hours should take place:
Acting in your best interests, we work independently of real-estate agents.
If possible, we would encourage you to attend the inspection. Describing issues or concerns is more effective in-person. However, if you’re unable to attend, our written reports will be easy to understand should we find any issues.
We’ll go through each room, including the roof void and sub-floor (if there is one). We inspect all timbers, outbuildings, fences and trees (up to 30m from the main building). We’ll highlight issues that make the property attractive to termites, such as leaks, poor drainage, ventilation issues and faulty construction.
Because a pre-purchase pest inspection is a visual inspection, we can’t move items or drill into walls. Unfortunately, it has been known for some sellers to try to conceal termite activity. We’ll point this out if we suspect this and recommend a course of action.
All pre-purchase pest inspections come with a detailed inspection report. It will then be up to you to determine the costs for remedying any issues. You may want to use the report findings to negotiate the property price before settlement.
We’ll write-up the inspection in to a multi-page report (including images). It will detail:
The report will also include details of any areas we couldn’t inspect and the reasons why.
Depending on our findings, the report may recommend further inspections and treatments should the property require them. These can be lengthy documents, so please call us if you need to clarify anything.
Resolve Pest Control provide professional, independent and unbiased reports, to help buyers make informed decisions about a home or investment property they’re interested in buying.
We use the latest professional equipment including a moisture meter and a thermal imaging camera that can pick up termite activity behind walls.
Always get a quality pre-purchase pest inspection. A few hundred dollars could save you hundreds of thousands of dollars in the future!
Resolve Pest Control eliminates pests and termites on the Sunshine Coast. We’ll work with you to protect your home or business against pest and termite attack.
Pest Information
Mon – Fri: 8am – 5.00pm
Sat: 8am – 12pm
Online booking: 24/7